CV Writing

Email Addresses

If you have had your email address for a number of years then the odds are that you chose it when in your mid-teens. What seemed witty and amusing then can look downright ridiculous now. We see email addresses like “”, “”. You get the idea. If you have an email address like this on

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Covering Letters

Most job applicants struggle with writing a covering letter. Not surprising really when you ask yourself when was the last time you actually wrote a letter? Should you repeat what your CV says? Should it be hand written or typed? How should I sign off? You can buy our covering letter pack for just £9.99

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Do not under any circumstances put your photo on your CV – unless you are a model or an actor/actress. It is the proverbial kiss of death and has a high chance of stopping you getting an interview. Why? Because people may not like the way you look or are dressed in the picture and

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It’s not enough to use a spell checker (though many forget to do that!) – some words are not an incorrect spelling but a mistake. What do we mean by that? Well the most common one is “Manger” instead of “Manager”. If you’re a Manager – check that’s what your CV says…

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