Will anyone write you a free CV?
We seem to be getting a lot of “hits” from people searching for a completely free CV writing service.
I can assure you that there is no-one out there who offers free CV writing!
There are plenty of websites that initially say that you can make a CV free of charge but this is a honey-pot. They draw you in to using their site and you then spend an hour or two putting the information in that they tell you to (and it looks really slick) and when you get to the end you find that you’ve produced a CV – you just can’t have it!
In order to download the CV that you’ve invested time and effort in creating they want your credit card details.
We often get to see these CVs for review and they are uniformly pretty rubbish. They are all in very similar formats and, whilst they do make sure you have all the basic requirements of a good CV in place, the content has been written with all the usual mistakes that we see.
If you genuinely want a free CV then there are lots of basic templates out there that you can download free of charge and just fill in the blanks. Your only investment will be your own time, but you will not have addressed the underlying issue of most CVs which is that the content is not written in a way that sells you.