Comic Sans

7 years ago

Don't use it. If in doubt, please refer to the 1st line of this post...

Privacy Policy

7 years ago

We take your privacy extremely seriously, and detailed below is our privacy policy. This is written in a concise form…

CV or Curriculum Vitae?

7 years ago

I get asked occasionally whether it's better to put CV or Curriculum Vitae on a CV, and I always tell…

Latest CV Review

8 years ago

I've reviewed a CV today that I gave a pretty low score of only 44/100, and the only reason it…

Should I put LinkedIn on my CV?

9 years ago

More and more people are registering with LinkedIn and that's because it is a great networking tool, but should you…

Writing a Profile

9 years ago

All good CVs need a profile but they need to be written in a certain way that imparts 2 key…

Does your CV say what job role you’re looking for?

9 years ago

Most CVs ignore this very simple point and it's why recruiters will contact you about jobs that you're not remotely…

How do I describe my job on a CV?

9 years ago

This is an area of a CV that is very easy to get wrong and the vast majority of CVs…

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